Our Lady and St Joseph Parish
Aire Valley

Serving Bingley and Cottingley in the Aire Valley

Welcome to our website

The parish was formed in 2006 by merging the adjoining parishes of St Mary and St Monica (which served Cottingley) and Sacred Heart (which served Bingley). We now have two churches in our parish, one from each of the two previous parishes.
  Our parish is part of the Diocese of Leeds.

exterior view

St Mary & St Monica's Church

The Cottingley church was opened on
the 21st December 1997 by Bishop David Konstant

exterior view

Sacred Heart Church

Sacred Heart church was opened on
the 11th May 1880 by Bishop Cornthwaite

Streaming On-line Mass etc

For ONLINE MASSES during the day, Holy Hours, Benediction, Evening Prayer, Rosary, this live service streaming website, which is updated every two hours, is highly recommended: www.churchservices.tv/whats-on-now/

See also this page for arrangements for live-streaming Mass from our local churches and others.

Parish Bulletin

Here is the current parish bulletin Previous bulletins can be found at the bulletin page as .pdf documents.

If you find the bulletin is out of date, it may be that your browser is showing you a previous version that it has remembered! You can force it to download the latest version by refreshing the page. To do this on a Windows computer, hold down the "Start" key and press R - on a Mac it's Command and R. Or click the little arrow going round in a circle, next to the address box. Phones usually have "Refresh" somewhere in their browser menu.

Winter Shelter 2025

This winter the shelter will be running in our parish from Monday 24th February to Monday morning 3rd March 2025. The latest version of the rota can be seen at documents/RotaWinterShelter2025.pdf. See the Winter Shelter page for details of what is involved.

Pastoral Letters

Recent Pastoral Letters from Bishop Marcus (and a few others) can be found on this page.

The Synod - Our Journey Together from From Parish to Mission

This autumn we have a unique opportunity to contribute to the mission of the Church. Pope Francis has invited Catholics throughout the world to listen prayerfully to what the Holy Spirit is saying to us. Then we are to share our insights with Bishop Marcus, who will submit a summary document to the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales before Christmas. We are being asked specifically to explore ten themes. You will see that they cover a lot of issues, so don’t think you have to have answers for every single one, but there is a unifying theme: how can the Church better exercise her role of offering hope to ALL the people of this generation?

See the full description on the Diocese of Leeds website at www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk/parish-to-mission

The responses from our parish to the questions can be seen in this ParishToMission.pdf document

A synthesis of feedback from across the diocese to the questions can be seen in this Parish 2 Mission document

The National Synthesis document is now available (June 2022) to download. See dioceseofleeds.org.uk/synod-national-synthesis-document-released/ for details.

Parish information by email

There is now an email account used occasionally for sending urgent information to our parishioners. If you would like to be included in this list, please to send an email to me, the WebMaster (Colin Spiller) and I will include you in future mailings.

Donations to the Parish


Please be aware that at this time, you and your parish are vulnerable to many dishonest financial schemes being set up by opportunistic companies and ‘crowd-funding’. In increasingly financially-straitened circumstances the question is still being asked: ‘How do I support my Parish during this time?’ In response, this page contains methods of Parish Giving which are recommended as the most secure ways for you to continue to contribute as far as you are able to the Offertory and to benefit your parish.

Bingley Food bank

Your donations are still much wanted! Donations can be made at Bingley Little Theatre (Bingley Arts Centre) on Tuesdays and Fridays between 10.30am and 11.45am.

For the list of items needed now, please see the Foodbank page

CAFOD Appeals

Parish Appeals and the parish TWIG group

In February 2024, £700 was sent to CAFOD for Turkey (the Syria Earthquake Appeal) and the Pakistan Floods Appeal and another donation of £600 was sent in October 2023 £500 for their Afghanistan Earthquake Appeal. Again in 2025, £500 was sent through TWIG to C A F O D to be split evenly between the Charity's work in Syria and Sudan. Thank you to all Parishioners who donated to the recent TWIG collections.

Afghanistan crisis

See cafod.org.uk/News/Emergencies-news/Afghanistan-crisis to learn how CAFOD is responding and how you can help

CAFOD World Gifts

World Gifts are a range of virtual charity gifts that will delight the people you give them to and help transform the lives of communities and families living in poverty. To view them, please follow THIS LINK to worldgifts.cafod.org.uk


The Holy Father has established an emergency fund to help people and communities tragically impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. He has asked each one of us to contribute what they can to help the Church overseas, through Missio. Your prayers and gifts are needed now more than ever to help protect the lives of those in poor communities.
Further information is on the website at missio.org.uk/donate/covid-19-emergency-fund/ and from there donations can be made by clicking the “Donate now” button (top right).

Weekly Notices from the Diocese

HERE are the Weekly Notices from the Diocese of Leeds.

SVP are looking for Volunteers

As a result of Coronavirus, the Saint Vincent de Paul Society has been forced to suspend its visiting activities for the time being.
Instead, they have adopted ‘Telephone Befriending’ Please see the SVP Page for details.

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