St Mary and St Monica Church and parish hall

Our Lady and St Joseph Parish
Aire Valley

Parish Rotas

Sacred Heart Church

Rotas are back in use!

Well almost all of them are. These are the ones I'm currently aware of:


St Mary and St Monica, Cottingley

Click for one of the following rotas:

for St Mary & St Monica's church.

Sacred Heart, Bingley

Click for one of the following rotas:

for Sacred Heart church.

If anyone else would like to join the list of readers, please contact Anne Copley for the 9.15 Mass, Jeremy Charnock for 5pm or 11.15am, or Canon Callaghan. You will be most welcome (Everyone had to start some time!) and practice can be arranged if required.

Winter Shelter 2024-2025

This winter the shelter is running in our parish from 24th February until 2nd March 2025. The latest version of the rota can be seen at documents/RotaWinterShelter2025.pdf. See the Winter Shelter page for details of what is involved.

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