St Mary and St Monica Church and parish hall

Our Lady and St Joseph Parish
Aire Valley

Society of St Vincent de Paul

Sacred Heart Church

The History of the SVP

The Society was founded by students in Paris in 1833. They were challenged to serve the poor of the city and inspired by the example of St Vincent de Paul, they served the local population face to face, as part of their spiritual formation. In 1844 a group of men came together and started the first SVP group in the UK in London.

History of the SVP in our parish

A group (known as a Conference) of the Society of St Vincent de Paul was not established until 6th February 1933 at Sacred Heart, Bingley. There was a Conference formed at St Mary`s and St Monica`s on 16th January 1985. A youth conference also operated there for a time. Following the formation of the joint parish the Conferences have joined together under the new Conference name of Our Lady and St Joseph, Aire Valley (the name of our parish).

What we do now

There are currently 12 active members of the SVP in the Parish (see list of members). Our main activity is visiting the sick and housebound, the lonely or the isolated. We try to arrange transport to Mass for those who experience difficulty attending.

On occasions the SVP provides practical help and assistance to families experiencing difficulty or crisis who are referred to us by the school or SVP.

There are 2 main social events in the year, one in summer and the other in Advent including a Carol Service and party. We also hold some coffee mornings through the year in the parish and at other venues to raise awareness of our role and to raise funds.

The Mass of Anointing in September is valued by many parishioners and is a beautiful spiritual experience. On the feast of St Vincent de Paul, 27th September, a special Mass is celebrated in memory of members and beneficiaries of the SVP who have died.

In recent years a mini-Vinnies group has been established at St Joseph`s Primary School which is doing great work to help those in need. Every year some children from school participate in a Children`s Holiday camp which we pay for. These children grow in confidence and resilience and have a lot of fun!

We also support two Conferences of the Society in India, at Buxar in Bihar in the north (See photos) and at Thandrampet in Tamil Nadu in the south.

On the Feast of St Vincent de Paul, 27th September 2024, Canon Jim celebrated a special Mass to remember all past SVP members who had died and also all deceased beneficiaries and friends. their names were placed at the foot of the altar. SVP Members who were able to be present were delighted to welcome Mini Vinnies from St Joseph`s Primary School to enjoy a chat and refreshments after the Mass in the Parish room at Sacred Heart. we shared information about our roles and learnt from each other. We are working together in October to gather donations for the Harvest to be donated to the Friars based in Bradford.

The SVP are looking for volunteers and beneficiaries

If you know of anyone who would like the SVP to visit or to help in some way please speak to any SVP member or ring Anne.

If you want to know more about what becoming a member of SVP might entail please ring to speak to our President, Anne McArthur. Members feel that our work is rewarding and valuable and we love doing it. We are a great friendly team but would love new people to join us.

Anne McArthur (President) 01274 551091

Meetings and more information

We currently meet fortnightly on Wednesdays between 7.30 and 9 pm at Cottingley in the winter and alternately at Sacred Heart from Spring onwards. New members are always welcome

See our Calendar of activities by clicking HERE

For further information, our national website is: and the international website can be found at:

Contact our President, Anne McArthur on 01274 551091 or by email

The SVP is most grateful to parishioners (especially the UCM) and friends for support given both in time and money.

The parish SVP Financial Report for April 2023 to March 2024 can be seen by  clicking HERE and the report for April 2022 to March 2023 can be seen by  clicking HERE.

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