We met at 0730 at the Interchange ready to board the 0805 to Leeds. Mums and Dads were there and Isabella’s younger brother Dario. Katie wore her “I love Italia” hoodie for Isabella’s Dad and Megan’s Dad recorded images of our departure with his posh camera. It was an emotional and exciting time for all of us. The realisation that this was it, we were off, made us giddy. I felt very blessed that this wonderful group of parents trusted me to take their daughters not just overseas but to Africa. Only once on that platform did I think of the 17 pages of the risk assessment, from then on it was just a case of getting on with it.
At Leeds we met Margaret Siberry and enjoyed the journey down to London. We went on the tube to Brixton and then walked to Romero House the HQ of CAFOD in the capital. Just as we arrived we met Chris Bain the head of CAFOD and we were able to thank him personally for backing the trip. Tim joined us for lunch, where we met his boss Jane Faure-Brac and Bernadette Hopper, Margaret’s boss, both had played very important parts in making our trip happen. Bernadette would link with the girls ’parents and Frank whilst we were away. After lunch we had our first session of safety and security training from Maurice who has over 25 years of experience working in West Africa. The session went well, so well that we completed all of the training on Friday and therefore gained free time on Saturday. Friday evening Margaret, the girls and I went to a small tapas restaurant close to our hotel, we were the only customers but the food was great. The wide choices made by all 4 girls indicated no fuss would be forthcoming on the eating front; we had no worries about their appetites!
We took things fairly easy on Saturday, contemplating the long journey ahead. We caught the bus into central London; we were reminded of the finals as we passed the Houses of Parliament and headed for Trafalgar Square where we enjoyed the sunshine and a fabulous dance performance by Liberty promoting the Arts for people with disabilities. We went to St. Martin’s in the Fields and saw the new sculpture of the new born Christ, most impressive and very appropriate. I enjoyed a slice of heavenly retail therapy in the National Geographic shop on Regent’s Street and the 4 girls experienced the same (I would argue on a different level) in Primark on Oxford Street! It was time to return to the Hotel and then travel to Heathrow. Terminal 5 was pretty impressive; we checked in at 19.00 and took off at 22.00.
In the early hours just before dawn on Sunday 6th September we landed at Abuja to be met by Peter Nanle and Amadu, CAFOD’s most famous driver. Loading the luggage and equipment for 9 people into 2 cars was our first challenge but Peter and Amadu were experts, so no worries.
The show piece of Abuja soon receded and the sight of kids picking through piles of rubbish at the airport exit was a sign of what was to come. We entered the real Nigeria. Roller coaster roads and mud houses with damp stains, open drains and telephone masts disguised as plastic palm trees, an air of general chaos mixed with vibrant colours and smiling people who waved and welcomed us.
Kimi’s Dad is Nigerian, from Kogi state, and a bonus for us was meeting many members of the Omolokun family. On day one her Aunty met us at the airport presenting us with a gift and then we met Kimi’s Grandparents at the Confluence Hotel where the magnificent Niger joins the almost equally magnificent Benue near Lokoja. They were the first to hear the girls’ presentation and Kimi’s Grandad sat in his chiefly robes with her Grandma resplendent in turquoise and gold listening to their grand daughter and her three friends explain their big idea. We had been travelling for 23 hours by the time we met Bishop Anthony and Father Simeon, our host in Idah, we were unwashed, dishevelled and close to exhaustion. We arrived at our hotel in Ayangba to dump the luggage, shower and depart for Father Simeon’s house where we watched some football – Premier League! - and then we were treated to Mass in Father’s private chapel. The readings were so appropriate and confirmed to me yet again that the Holy Spirit was and is with us on this journey. Isaiah “say to those who are of a fearful heart “Be strong, fear not!” and James ”Has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs to the kingdom which he has promised to those who love him?”